Marcello Sachs

Marcello Sachs was selected as a VolunTeens Spotlight when he was a senior at St. Andrews School in Boca Raton. He has spent his high school career volunteering in different areas, but his biggest impact on the community has been through his artistic creations. As a volunteer counselor for the International Museum of Cartoon Art’s summer camp, he was able to work with young children and teach them art.
As an artist, Marcello says he “finds release in art, it’s an outlet to express emotions, and in between work loads, it’s a great break.” His most impressive undertaking has been the mural he designed and painted at the Palm Beach Regional Juvenile Detention Center in West Palm Beach. His mom attends meetings at the detention center and noticed there was a blank wall in the reaction room. When Marcello heard about it, he was more than excited to have a new project! He selected an inspiring theme for the mural, super heroes. After talking with the kids at the detention center about what kind of artwork they would like, he decided it was the perfect idea. Not only are these fictitious characters role models, the kids love the fantasy that is

associated with them. During the months he spent creating the mural, he worked with the kids to help them learn to paint. He even saved a section of the mural for the children to paint themselves. Not only is the wall more decorative now, but he hopes that it will be a reminder for the children of the good inside of people – that you can become a hero if you want it enough


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